Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 67: St. Lucia

After our big day yesterday, I awoke feeling a little...well, let's just say worse for wear. :-o. I'm too old to party like that!
After breakfast in the dining room, we walked off the ship to get some exercise. Although it was sunny, once again today rain was threatening, so we stayed close to the ship until we were finally chased back on board by a shower.
We enjoyed a leisurely lunch in the International Cafe, and while sitting there paid some bills using our iPhones and the ship's wifi. It's never fast, but it's at its best when the ship is docked and still, and there are few users accessing it.
Later, we went back off the ship and discovered (can you believe it!) FREE wifi right in the terminal area. How have we missed that cruise after cruise? We've done this same itinerary at least 10 times in the past two years, and we're still discovering new things.