Saturday, January 11, 2020

Day 108: At Sea

We’ve moved clocks ahead an hour each of the last two nights. We should be well used to this by now, but it’s never a happy thing. Somehow, sleeping until 9am, even though it was just 7am two days ago, makes me feel like I’ve blown the day. 

Having missed breakfast in the Concerto Dining Room, we braved the World Fresh Marketplace thus morning. After 14 days, G is still trying to figure out the omelet ordering process, including where to start. I stick with a few pieces of fruit and smoked salmon, all of which come from the same general area. 

I returned to the cabin to wash out my sleep sack and hang it up to dry, which it does, in about 30 minutes if I wring it out on a pool towel first. On the Ruby Princess, I always ironed it in the passenger laundry on Deck 14; however, on the Majestic Princess, there is no passenger laundry on Deck 16, and the laundries on the other decks are toward the back of the ship, a long, long way away. I decided a few wrinkles won’t hurt me. ;-)

We returned to the Concerto Dining Room for lunch, and then, yay, were treated to a matinee performance of production show Encore at 1pm. What luck, especially since we had missed it last night. It’s funny...I had predicted that Encore might be the first production show performed this cruise. Violinist Chris Watkins performs in that show as well as does his own show, and I thought he’d probably stay on over turnaround day, do these two performances and then leave the ship. We love Encore. It’s more of a musical-singing show than a dancing show, but there are still a few beautiful dance bits, too, with breathtaking lifts and jumps. It is not, as I initially believed, the show Bravo, that we have enjoyed so much in the past. There is no diva in Encore as there is in Bravo, but there is Chris Watkins, so, yeah...(and I say that with all the respect and appreciation in the world). ;-)

Day 3 lunch menu, page 1

Day 3 lunch menu, page 2

I went from the Princess Theater to Deck 16 to watch Eddie the Eagle on MUTS, because...Hugh Jackman (major fangurl here), and from MUTS to the cabin to get cleaned up for formal night #973 of the season. Oh boy.  We swung by the Captain’s Welcome Aboard Champagne Waterfall and actually stayed for the introduction of the ship’s officers since we weren’t fussy about where we sat in the Princess Theater for New Zealand vocalist’s Chris Powley’s 8pm show. And following that, I changed into everything warm that I had and sat poolside for the 9:30pm showing of Downton Abbey. Woo hoo!! This is one of the most recent releases I’ve ever seen on MUTS. And I couldn’t wait to see this movie. It was predictable but still highly enjoyable. It’s hard to imagine a better evening than this one. 

Day 3 Princess Patter, page 1

Day 3 Princess Patter, page 2

Day 3 Princess Patter, page 3

Day 3 Princess Patter, page 4