Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 61: At Sea (and under the weather)

It's no surprise, given that I've been living in close quarters with someone who's just now getting over a cold, that by last evening, I started feeling a bit yucky myself. I slept fitfully, and except for a shower and lunch in the DaVinci Dining Room, I've spent most of the day in bed. I have, therefore, little to report tonight. 

Except this:  Darko is a most amazing waiter. 

He's been moved to the DaVinci Dining Room for breakfast and lunch duty this cruise, and we were seated at one of his tables for lunch. It was obvious to us that I would not be going to dinner in the dining room tonight, and G decided to skip it also. We told Darko that we'd not be at our normal table for two next to a window, and asked if he could see that someone else was seated at it. 

Now, the backstory is that Darko knows that the flourless chocolate cake and key lime pie are my two favorite desserts. 

I'm tucked into bed; G is up at the Elite Lounge in Skywalkers, and there was a knock on the door. Room service just delivered two pieces of key lime pie to our room.  Have I mentioned I love Darko?  Yes, I know I have, but have I mentioned it lately?

I feel better already. :-)