Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Collegiate Glaciers

After enjoying our tea, I bundled up with every warm thing I'd brought (jacket, fleece pullover, fleece vest, scarf, headband, ear covers and gloves) and started forward to the lookout area on the front of Caribe Deck. Looking not unlike Nanook of the North, I nearly collided with Captain Binetti as he raced down the corridor on Aloha Deck. Hopefully he didn't notice me. Or at least didn't recognize me. Or, at the very least, won't remember this crazy woman round with layers of clothes with binoculars and a camera looped around her neck and a second camera in her hands.

G opted for a different route. He changed into his swimsuit and watched the spectacle from the comfort of an open air hot tub.

This is what we had come to see, and naturalist Jules kept stressing how lucky we were. The combination of sun, no wind and numerous sea otters made it the best day of the summer in College Fjord.

Photo 1: approaching the Collegiate Glaciers in College Fjord

Photo 2: on the left side of the fjord are the glaciers named for women's colleges: Vassar, Wellesly, Bryn Mwar and Smith.

Photo 3: Harvard Glacier is the wide one in the distance

Photo 4: Yale Glacier, to the right of Harvard Glacier

Photo 5: Harvard and Yale Glaciers