Friday, October 4, 2019

Day 11: At Sea

Today was our fourth sea day in a row. You know how, when you stretch as far as you can, and then hold that stretch for 10 or 20 seconds, you’re then able to stretch even more deeply? Relaxation is very much the same. We thought we were relaxed after one sea day, but each day we become more and more mellow. By tomorrow we should be semi-comatose. 

I was so relaxed this morning that I slept through G leaving the cabin for breakfast.  When I finally did wake up. I decided I wasn’t all that hungry and would wait until lunch to eat. Instead I decided to hand wash my silk bed sack, the one in which my comforter is encased. A couple of people emailed me to ask how that was working out. It is fantastic.  I love it and Noel, our cabin steward loves it even more. Instead of being greeted in the morning by a pile of linens that have come undone overnight, my bottom sheet is covered only with the untucked-in bed sack.  I fluff it myself before I leave the cabin.  Noel just makes it looks neater. It probably takes him five seconds. After I washed it this morning, I hung it up to dry.  By mid morning it was just slightly damp, and I ironed it in the laundry room. I used a few safety pins to anchor the comforter inside, shook it to fluff it and had it back on the bed two hours after I washed it. G likes it so much, he’s wondering why he doesn’t have one too. 

G participated in the egg drop challenge this morning.  He is so proud of the fact that he brought his own balloon on board.  He blows it up, inserts a NewYears Eve whistle in its neck, and it squeals all the way from Deck 7 to Deck 5 in the Piazza. He loves to create a spectacle. Afterward, we met up in the Princess Theater for Destination Expert Hutch’s talk on Moorea. So many wonderful memories! I think just remembering Douglas Pearson will have us up early and out on deck for our arrival in Papeete on Sunday and our early morning sail from Papeete to Moorea on Monday. 

We met up with Paul and Marlene for lunch in the DaVinci Dining Room. It felt good to be hungry, and I had a salad and the seafood stew. 

Day 11 lunch menu, page 1

Day 11 lunch menu, page 2

After lunch, G and I spent some time in a hot tub (both of us) and in the pool (me). It was really windy on deck this afternoon, and the ship was a bit bouncier as a result, but still not too much. I think I feel it a bit more because I’m not as stable as I usually am. In fact, I was back on one crutch today. It just felt safer and better. 

We started watching the movie Rocket Man in our cabin afterward, but fell asleep not too far into it. No matter; we’ll have plenty more opportunities to try. We napped until it was time to get ready for the evening, and enjoy hors doerves (it was shrimp night!) in the Elite Lounge before we went to the DaVinci Dining Room. There was no need to rush tonight, as the first show in the Princess Theater wasn’t until 7:30pm, so we both had sorbet for dessert.

Day 11 dinner menu, page 1

Day 11 dinner menu, page 2

Day 11 dessert menu

Southeast Asia curried noodles (without egg)

Tonight’s entertainment was pianist Stephen Kane.  We claimed front row center seats to best see the keyboard during the performance. I know we’ve seen Stephen perform several times over the years, but not recently. What a showman!  His was a fantastic show, and he played several genres of music, including classical, ragtime, movie theme songs and even Elton John and Billy Joel. 

Piano entertainer Stephen Kane

Once again tonight, we returned to our cabin to change into shorts and went up to the Lido Deck for hot beverages under the stars. Sitting there with few people around, a warm breeze and stars twinkling overhead, I could almost feel myself reach another level of relaxation. I momentarily thought I might be just a tiny bit sorry to have this sea day routine interrupted by a port day...until I realized the port day will be in Tahiti.  

Life is good. :-)

Late night hot beverages under the stars

Day 11 Princess Patter, page 1

Day 11 Princess Patter, page 2

Day 11 Princess Patter, page 3

Day 11 Princess Patter, page 4