Sunday, October 4, 2015

Day 28: A Rapa Nui rest day

Well, it finally happened to me while traveling. I started showing some tummy symptoms about 9pm last night. By 3am the worst had passed. It seems this is going around and, of course, sanitation is not what we are used to. G went out this morning and picked up saltine crackers and ginger ale for me. I couldn't ask for better care, but warmer and drier weather would be welcome. I know, I know. I promised if we just had good weather for sunrise yesterday I would not complain about the two days of rain that are forecasted, so I'm not. ;-)

I didn't make it to Mass this morning, but new friends at our motel (an orthopedic surgeon and his wife from Guatamela coming from a conference in Santiago, Chile) did and shared these photos of the priest with me. Something I'd not ever seen before!

G is a trouper and is out touring with Chris all day. I told him it didn't matter if he took the tour (already paid for) or not but he was raring to go.  Hopefully he stays dry and warm and returns with some good photos. 

And that is all for today. :-(