Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Day 6: Honolulu

We were both excited about today, G because they were finally arriving in Hawaii after four days at sea, and me because it was game night. With the evacuation at sea, the arrival of the Ruby Princess in Honolulu had been pushed back to 11am, but G was up early to get photos as the ship approached Oahu. 

G had plans for the day, to climb Diamond Head volcano with Sherita. They Uber’ed over to the state park, and Uber had to drop them off outside the tunnel going into the crater (it wasn’t allowed to enter the park) but there was a safe walkway through the tunnel (car traffic can only one way at a time). 

Traffic lines controlling car flow through the tunnel into the crater

It was a gorgeous day for the climb

The Diamond Head lighthouse

The trail is steep with a tunnel and lots of stairs 

A good view of the crater and the location of the look out at the top. 
At about 2 o’clock in the circle you can see where the tunnel is that they walked through
to enter the crater. 

After the hike, they relaxed on the beach at the Hale Koa.
On board time was not until 10:30pm, allowing them to stay for sunset. 

McGuy’s team easily won tonight, and I was able to get home before the next snow storm started overnight. It had been a good day all around. 

Day 6 Princess Patters