Saturday, September 5, 2015

Mom...wrapping us in rhyme (and love) as we embark on another trip

There may have been a moment or two this year when I resigned myself to the possibility that Mom might not be up to playing the poetess again, but that is all behind us now.  Mom has rallied, is doing better than she has in a long while (her advice to anyone facing the change of moving out of their house into an easier living situation is JUST DO IT!), and was able to summon the creativity to send us her best farewell poem ever.  I don't know how she does it- those genes certainly didn't come my way- but I can tell you that, when G brings in the mail just before we leave and announces there is a card from my mom...we both drop what we are doing and read the enclosed poem together.  We love them!  We love her. :-)

That's my mom!  I am so blessed.