Sunday, October 12, 2014

Endless Summers

Before I launch into my diary, I need to finish up some business from a prior year. In 2013, cruise friends Jenny and Bill gifted us with a certificate to publish a photo book through  G went out of town for a couple of weeks during Summer 2013, and I took that time to sort through thousands of photos to pick my very favorites from our winters at sea. Every photo in this book was taken with just an iPhone 4 or 4S, and I was a bit skeptical of their ultimate quality in the book, but I am very pleased with the finished product.  It occupies pride of place on a coffee table in the living room, but I only just recently realized that I could publish it here. 

It's long (over 50 pages) so it can take a while to load, depending on your internet speed.  It's best to view it in Full Screen mode, if that's an option for you.  For some reason, you have to scroll back one page to see the cover, but please do that (I think it's the prettiest photo of them all).  I hope you enjoy it...I can't tell you how many times I've sat in the living room at the end of a busy day and mentally transported myself back to the beautiful islands of the Caribbean. 

Looking at this, it's easy to is definitely good!  :-)

If you're not seeing the photo book appear below, you can access it via this link: