Today has, because of catch up, been a two-post day, but, fortunately, we didn’t do much today and so I don’t have a lot to report tonight. We were slow to get moving this morning (no surprise there), but I also didn’t feel a need to rush; still, I was rocketed awake by the sound of that new Princess safety video on our TV, sung to the tune of the Love Boat theme song. Wow. A safety video with laugh and applause tracks? Though we heard the safety briefing song at least 15 times today, G picked it up almost immediately (but can he remember to pick up bread at the grocery store??). The rest of the day, he was singing (to the Love Boat melody), “Handrails-grab ahold when choppiness ensues- handrails- good to use when you’re in high heel shoes”. And “Make bubbles- washing your hands helps to keep them clean- bubbles- scrub them for 20 seconds at least. Just scrub...remember always scrub-ub-ub!” The good side of this safety drill change is that, beginning today, life vests no longer have to be taken to muster drill. That will save a few trips over dangling straps.
It’s a brave new world. ;-)
Hard to see, but it was an entire pallet of ice cream cones. G, who used four per day, was happy to see them.
Spirit of Tasmania ferry also leaves from Station Pier
I stepped out of the shower at 8am to G saying that our cabin next door was already prepared for us. Sweet. With dripping hair, I started moving things over, and, once everything was shoved in our new cabin, we went to the Horizon Court Buffet for a quick breakfast before it closed at 9:30am. We had to be off the ship for the zero count procedure at 10am but Guest Services was already tracking us down at 9:45am as there were only a few of us left.
Our original intention for today was to do the 11 km round trip walk along the water to St. Kilda’s Beach, but, after our long day yesterday, neither one of us was anxious to do that. Instead, we took a shorter walk along the beach to the east of Station Pier and were back on the ship around 1pm.
G was able to enjoy the turnaround day beef tenderloins for only the third or so time this season (he has truly suffered for the sake of sightseeing), and had the orange soufflé for dessert, while I had the Tuscan bean soup and a salad. I went out on the Promenade Deck to phone Mom for the last time before Christmas using Vonage (For 1 cent per minute! Get the app!!), and then returned to the cabin to get fully unpacked and settled in our home for the next 13 days.
When it was time for muster drill, a new, friendly-sounding announcement was made 15 minutes ahead of time, ending with, “See you there!” Very different from the officer of the watch announcing the muster drill! I stayed in the cabin during the drill, writing the blog post from yesterday, and then got cleaned up for dinner.
In the Piazza, three professional Christmas carolers had greeted passengers coming on board all afternoon, and a large gingerbread house village backed by a ‘fireplace’ had appeared overnight.
Passengers were greeted with caroling
There was another snowfall at 5pm accompanied by the DJ playing Christmas carols, and we stopped by on our way to dinner in the Bernini Dining Room.
Tonight I was served penne pasta in tomato sauce over broccoli as a starter, a salad and then an incredibly delicious grilled rockfish with, again, enough grilled vegetables for a family (and I ate most of them, because yesterday was rather light on veggies, unless sweet potato fries count. They don’t.). Waiter Rodrigo has rotated back to our dining room again and had to stop by to give/get hugs. This Golden Princess crew...amazing. Truly amazing.
We watched from the Promenade Deck as the Golden Princess passed through the heads at the entrance to Port Phillip Bay just before 7pm. It was chilly but still brightly sunny; I hope that bodes well for our Crossing the Ditch to the North Island of New Zealand. I am preparing this blog post (on my iPhone, per usual) while awaiting the Welcome Aboard show in the Princess Theater. The show will be kicked off by the the dancers and one singer, then the introduction of the Cruise Director’s staff, and then, for the first time this season, magician Brad Manuel will perform. We will also have a juggler on board, most likely a nod to all the kids (we’ve heard 500 but that’s unconfirmed) on board this cruise. We are determined to stay up a bit later tonight. We discovered late last night that Martini Bar piano entertainer Juan Carmelo Escobar is a party waiting to happen, and have vowed to spend some time with him this cruise.
We love turnaround days and doing back to back cruises. We love the excitement and energy all the new cruisers bring on board. We loved seeing several crew members walking their visiting families onto the ship for this Christmas cruise. We are so enjoying Australia and New Zealand and our fellow passengers from these two countries. This year, seven cruises will not be enough, but will have to suffice. Still, in the last few days (since we saw the Diamond Princess), G asked me what it would cost to cancel our Hawaii plans and stay Down Under. I thought that, when I told him it would be at least $1500, he would dismiss the idea, but no. Instead, I was checking on cabin availability for the next month on both the Golden Princess and the Diamond Princess. Nothing. For the first time in years, we will disembark at the end of a cruise season wanting more.
And that is proof positive that we have had a blast.
Life is good. :-)