Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 37: Curaçao





I'm sitting at a Starbucks near the ship in Willemstad, Curaçao. There is so much we want to do today; I'm glad we're here until 11pm tonight! We're at the International Pier (the Grandeur of the Sea is docked in town by the pedestrian pontoon bridge). The International Pier was universally detested by cruise ship passengers when we first started coming to Curaçao 12 years ago, but Renaissance Resorts has anchored a large hotel and casino here, and there is an entire high-end shopping area built up around it close to the ship. The walk from here to the waterfront in town has been made much more pleasant as a result.

This will be a big walking day for us. More to follow, but here are a few photos to get started...