In a perfect birthday morning, blueberry pancakes were on the menu, followed by a blueberry muffin with a birthday candle and a happy birthday song led by sweet waiter Francis from the Philippines.
I told G that after NO beach days last cruise (can you believe it? It was all forced marches.), I was due for one, and today couldn't have been better. Sunny, warm, almost no wind: I was one happy beach babe. G, never content to just sit on a beach, went exploring in his own, not south this time, but north. He came back with several conch shells, two of which still had conch in them. I selected the best two to bring back, and G returned the two live ones back to the sea. We stayed on the island until almost last tender call, came back to the ship and immediately headed to a hot tub for sailaway. After showers and a quick trip to Skywalkers, we're sitting in deck chairs watching the Broncos game.
Have I mentioned we love football??