The first post of each season:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our day on Princess Cays

First of all, it's pronounced keys, rhymes with seas, unless you're British, in which case you'd say Cays, rhymes with ways. We weren't certain about that either, our first time here. Princess Cays is basically a beach and watersports day coupled with some good tropical drinks and a barbecue lunch. We love it.
We spent a lazy morning having breakfast in the dining room (great table mates- we talked forever), and then trying to find things in this cabin. It's going to take awhile, I think, to go with certainty to a shelf or a drawer or the bathroom to get the object we're looking for. Now, it's a lot of digging through drawers and pulling out suitcases (stored under the bed) all the time saying, "I KNOW I packed the <insert item name here>". I'm still missing two things I was certain I packed, and realized that I forgot a belt altogether. Oh well, right now my pants are staying up fine on their own, and three cruises from now the issue might not be a belt but slacks that still zip. :-o
So, anyway, back to the original reason for this post- Princess Cays. We finally took a tender over about 11:30am, and what a tender ride this was. We were sitting on the small second level of the tender boat, with bench seating, and the seas were so rough that I was actually airborne twice. We had a blast, squealing and screaming as the small boat, with us on top, leaned heavily one direction, then the next. You'd have to pay for a ride not nearly as exciting at any amusement park; here, it was just a bonus. And we were lucky to still be able to go to the island. We've been on at least two cruises where rough seas prevented us from going ashore at all, and the day became another sea day.
We had a barbecue lunch on the island and then listened to some live island music, and then just lay in two loungers listening to the waves come ashore and the palm fronds sway in the increasing wind. I could physically feel my body relaxing. After a week of this, I'll be as relaxed as an old rubber band.
Finally we were chased into one of the little gift shops by a light rain, but this gift shop had white rocking chairs on its covered porch where we sat and enjoyed the spectacle of watching people line up for the tender. We came back on one of the last tenders, and after they are lifted back into place on the ship, we will be underway to our next port, St. Thomas, where we'll be on Friday. On tap for tonight: drinks in Skywalkers, dinner and then the full show of the comedian who performed last night. And maybe listening to music in one of the lounges. Every evening, there is live music performed in four different venues throughout the ship. Tomorrow is a day at sea, and we are looking forward to that (it will give us more time to tear this cabin apart looking for things we KNOW we packed).